Giuseppe Maria Crespi

Italian Baroque Era Painter, 1665-1747
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Giuseppe Maria Crespi oil paintings
Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Item ID:39196
Cardinal Prospero Lambertini
Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Item ID:39197
Dice Players
Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Item ID:39198
Hecuba Blinding Polymnestor
Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Item ID:39199
Searcher For Fleas
Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Item ID:39200
self Portrait
Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Item ID:39201
The Flea
Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Item ID:39202
The Scullery Maid
Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Item ID:39203
Village Fair
Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Item ID:39204
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Giuseppe Maria Crespi (March 14, 1665 - July 16, 1747), nicknamed Lo Spagnuolo ("the Spanish One") was an Italian late Baroque painter of the Bolognese School. His eclectic output includes religious paintings and portraits, but he is now most famous for his genre paintings. Crespi was born in Bologna to Girolamo Crespi and Isabella Cospi. His mother was a distant relation of the noble Cospi family, which had ties to the Florentine House of Medici. He was nicknamed "the Spanish One" (Lo Spagnuolo) because of his habit of wearing tight clothes characteristic of Spanish fashion of the time. By age 12 years, he apprenticed with Angelo Michele Toni (1640-1708). From the age of 15-18 years, he worked under the Bolognese Domenico Maria Canuti. The Roman painter Carlo Maratti, on a visit to Bologna, is said to have invited Crespi to work in Rome, but Crespi declined. Maratti's friend, the Bolognese Carlo Cignani invited Crespi in 1681-1682 to join an Accademia del Nudo for the purpose of studying drawing, and he remained in that studio until 1686, when Cignani relocated to Forlì and his studio was taken over by Canuti's most prominent pupil, Giovanni Antonio Burrini. From this time hence, Crespi worked independently of other artists.
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