Jean-Baptiste Greuze
French painter, 1725-1805
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Jean-Baptiste Greuze oil paintings
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Jean-Baptiste Greuze (21 August 1725 - 4 March 1805) was a French painter. He was born at Tournus, Saône-et-Loire. He is generally said to have formed his own talent; this is, however, true only in the most limited sense, for at an early age his inclinations, though thwarted by his father, were encouraged by a Lyonnese artist named Grandon, or Grondom, who enjoyed during his lifetime considerable reputation as a portrait-painter. Grandon not only persuaded the father of Greuze to give way to his sons wishes, and permit the lad to accompany him as his pupil to Lyon, but, when at a later date he-himself left Lyon for Paris - where his son-in-law Grétry the celebrated composer enjoyed the height of favour - Grandon carried young Greuze with him.
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Complete list of Jean-Baptiste Greuze's oil paintings
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- Giuseppe de Nittis Italian Painter, 1846-1884
- Giuseppe Maria Crespi Italian Baroque Era Painter, 1665-1747
- Glendening, Alfred British Painter, 1861-1907
- Gleyre, Charles Swiss Academic Painter, 1806-1874
- Godward, John William English Painter, 1861-1922
- Goeneutte, Norbert French Painter, 1854-1894
- Goltzius, Hendrick Dutch painter, 1558-1617
- Gonzales, Eva French painter, 1849-1883
- Jean Richard Goubie French, 1842-1899
- Goyen, Jan van Dutch, 1596-1656
Next 10 Artists
- Grimmer, Abel 1570-died circa 1619
- Grimmer, Jacob born circa 1525-1590
- Grimshaw, John Atkinson English Painter, 1836-1893
- Grubacs, Carlo Italian, 1810-died circa 1870
- Guardi, Gianantonio Italian Painter, 1699-1760
- Gueldry, Ferdinand Joseph French, 1858-1945
- Guercino Italian Baroque painter, 1591-1666
- Guido Reni Italian painter, 1575-1642
- Guigou, Paul-Camille French Painter, 1834-1871
- Guillaume Seignac French, 1870-1924
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