Hans Von Aachen

Germany, 1552-1615
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Hans Von Aachen oil paintings
The Amazement of the Gods
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:20001
Pallas Athena, Venus and Juno
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:20002
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:20003
Bacchus, Ceres and Cupid
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:20004
Joking Couple
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:20005
A couple at a guesthouse
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52378
Allegory of peace art and abundance
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52379
Bacchus venus and cupid
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52380
Boy with grapes
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52381
Coronation of mary
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52382
David and Bathsheba
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52383
Martyrdom of saint sebastian
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52384
Matchmaking scene
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52385
Pan and selene
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52387
Portrait of a girl
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52388
Portrait of a man
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52389
Portrait of Anna of Austria
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52390
Portrait of jacopo biliverti
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52391
Portrait of joseph heintz
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52392
Portrait of rudolf ii holy roman emperor
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52393
Self portrait
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52394
The judgment of paris
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52395
The rape of proserpine
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52396
The three graces
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52397
Two laughing men
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52398
Venus cupid and a satyr
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52399
Virgin and child
Hans Von Aachen
Item ID:52400
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Hans von Aachen (1552 - March 4, 1615), was a German mannerist painter. He was born in Cologne, but his name is derived from the birthplace of his father, Aachen in Germany. Other variations of the name include Johann von - and - von Achen and various concisions like Janachen, Fanachen, Abak, Jean Dac, Aquano, van Aken etc.

Hans von Aachen began painting in Germany as a pupil of the Flemish master E. Jerrigh. He then, like many northern artists of his time, such as Bartholomeus Spranger spent a long period in Italy. He lived in Venice from 1574 to 1588 and toured Florence and Rome during that period. He initially became a pupil of Kaspar Rems, but soon decided to develop his own mannerist technique, by studying Tintoretto and Michelangelo's followers. However, during all of his life he was influenced by the style of Bartholomeus Spranger and Hendrick Goltzius who dominated the art scene in Germany at the time.

He returned to Germany in 1588 where he became well known as a painter of portraits for noble houses. He also produced historical and religious scenes and earned a wide reputation. Among his patrons were the Fugger family. He painted several works for Duke William V of Bavaria. He married Regina, the daughter of the composer Orlando di Lasso in Munich. In Munich he came into contact with the Imperial Court in Prague. In 1592 he was appointed official painter of Rudolph II, Holy Roman Emperor. However, Von Aachen only moved to Prague years later (there is contention as to the date - 1601 or 1597), where he stayed and was commissioned to paint mythological and allegorical subjects such as his Liberation of Hungary (1598, Budapest). Emperor Rudolph II conferred knighthood on him in 1605. Von Aachen continued working on commissions under the newly appointed ruler, Matthias I. He died in Prague.

Amongst van Aachen's pupils were Peter Isaak and Joseph Heinz. His works have been copied by Wolfgang Kilian, Dominicus Custos and Jan Sadeler.

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Complete list of Hans Von Aachen's oil paintings

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