Juan De La Abadia
Spain, 1470-1490
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Juan De La Abadia oil paintings
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Juan de la Abadia el Viejo (fl. 1470-1498, probable death 1498) was a Spanish painter in the gothic Spanish-Flemish style. His son, Juan de la Abadia el Joven, worked with him after 1490.
His known works include Santa Catalina (1490) in the church of la Magdalena de Huesca, now lost, the Saviour from the hermitage of Broto, now at the Museum of Zaragoza and the Santo Domingo in Almudevar (Huesca), after which he was known as the Maestro de Almudévar until identified by the art historian Ricardo del Arco.
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Complete list of Juan De La Abadia's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Aachen, Hans von Germany, 1552-1615
- Aagard, Carl Fredrik Danish, 1833-1895
Next 10 Artists
- Abbate, Niccolo dell Italy 1509-1571
- Abbema, Louise French, 1858-1927
- Abbey, Edwin Austin American, 1852-1911
- Adomeit, George American, 1900s
- Aelst, Willem van Dutch, 1627-1683
- Aertsen, Pieter Dutch, 1508-1575
- Adam, Lambert-Sigisbert France, 1700-1759
- Aix-en-Chapel Altarpiece French painter, 1480-1520
- Albani, Francesco Italian Baroque painter, 1578-1660
- Albertinelli, Mariotto Italian, 1474-1515
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