Howard Pyle
American illustrator and author, 1853-1911
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Howard Pyle oil paintings
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Howard Pyle (March 5, 1853 - November 9, 1911) was an American illustrator and author, primarily of books for young people. A native of Wilmington, Delaware, he spent the last year of his life in Florence, Italy.
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Complete list of Howard Pyle's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Giulio Campi Italian painter, 1500-1572
- Robert Campin 1375-1444
- Jan van de Capelle Dutch Golden Age painter, 1626-1679
- Joseph Caraud French, 1821-1905
- Charles Edouard Edmond Delort France, 1841-1895
- Charles Edward Perugini Italian-born English painter, 1839-1918
- Henry Nelson O'Neil Russia 1817-1880
- Otto Mueller German painter, 1874-1930
- Charles Hunt British, 1803-1877
- Carl Holsoe Danish Painter, 1863-1935
Next 10 Artists
- Ivan Shishkin Russian landscape painter, 1832-1898
- Zakar Zakarian Armenian, 1849-1923
- Marcos Zapata Peruvian, 1748-1764
- Eugeniusz Zak French, 1884-1926
- Nutzi Acontz Romanian, 1894-1957
- Jankel Adler Polish, 1895-1949
- Gosta Adrian-Nilsson Swedish, 1884-1965
- Leonardo Alenza Spanish, 1807-1845
- Hoca Ali Riza Turkish, 1858-1939
- David Allan British, 1744-1796
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