Jan Van De Capelle
Dutch Golden Age painter, 1626-1679
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Jan Van De Capelle oil paintings
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Jan van de Cappelle (or Joannes , van der , Capelle in various combinations; 1626-1679) was a Dutch Golden Age painter of seascapes and winter landscapes, also notable as an industrialist and art collector. He is "now considered the outstanding marine painter of 17th century Holland". He lived all his life in Amsterdam, and as well as working as an artist spent much, or most, of his time helping to manage his father Franchoy's large dyeworks, which specialized in the expensive dye carmine, and which he eventually inherited in 1674. Presumably because of this dual career, there are fewer than 150 surviving paintings, a relatively small number for the industrious painters of the Dutch Golden Age. His marine paintings usually show estuary or river scenes rather than the open sea, and the water is always very calm, allowing it to act as a mirror reflecting the cloud formations above; this effect was Cappelle's speciality.
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Complete list of Jan Van De Capelle's oil paintings
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- Thomas Creswick English landscape painter, 1811-1869
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- Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione Italian Baroque artist, 1609-1664
- Giulio Campi Italian painter, 1500-1572
- Robert Campin 1375-1444
Next 10 Artists
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- Charles Edouard Edmond Delort France, 1841-1895
- Charles Edward Perugini Italian-born English painter, 1839-1918
- Henry Nelson O'Neil Russia 1817-1880
- Otto Mueller German painter, 1874-1930
- Charles Hunt British, 1803-1877
- Carl Holsoe Danish Painter, 1863-1935
- Howard Pyle American illustrator and author, 1853-1911
- Ivan Shishkin Russian landscape painter, 1832-1898
- Zakar Zakarian Armenian, 1849-1923
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