Jacobus Theodorus Abels
Dutch painter, 1803-1866
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Jacobus Theodorus Abels oil paintings
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Jacobus Theodorus Jacob Abels (1803 - 1866) was a Dutch painter.
Abels was born in Amsterdam in 1803. He was a pupil of the animal painter Jan van Ravenswaay. In 1826 he visited Germany, and on his return settled at the Hague. His wife was the daughter of P.G. Os. Between 1849 and 1853 he lived in Haarlem and later he moved to Arnhem.
He was especially noted for his paintings of moonlit landscapes. The Museum at Haarlem has works by him. He died at Abcoude on 11 June 1866.
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Complete list of Jacobus Theodorus Abels's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Abbema, Louise French, 1858-1927
- Abbey, Edwin Austin American, 1852-1911
- Adomeit, George American, 1900s
- Aelst, Willem van Dutch, 1627-1683
- Aertsen, Pieter Dutch, 1508-1575
- Adam, Lambert-Sigisbert France, 1700-1759
- Aix-en-Chapel Altarpiece French painter, 1480-1520
- Albani, Francesco Italian Baroque painter, 1578-1660
- Albertinelli, Mariotto Italian, 1474-1515
- Abbott, Lemuel Francis England, 1760-1802
Next 10 Artists
- Alexander, John White American, 1865-1915
- Allori, Cristofano Italian portrait painter, 1577-1621
- Allston, Washington American, 1779-1843
- Alt, Jakob German painter and lithographer, 1789-1872
- Altichiero Italian, approx. 1330-1385
- Altdorfer, Albrecht German, 1480-1538
- Alvarez, Mabel American, 1891-1985
- Bouchet, Auguste France, 1831-1889
- Abel-Truchet, Louis France, 1857-1918
- Absolon, John England, 1815-1895
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