Lemuel Francis Abbott

England, 1760-1802
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Lemuel Francis Abbott oil paintings
Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, 1758-1805
Lemuel Francis Abbott
Item ID:20047
Sir Peter Parker Bt, 1721-1811, Admiral of the Fleet
Lemuel Francis Abbott
Item ID:20048
Captain John Cooke, 1763-1805
Lemuel Francis Abbott
Item ID:20049
Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Calder, 1745-1815
Lemuel Francis Abbott
Item ID:20050
Captain William Locker
Lemuel Francis Abbott
Item ID:20053
Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Pasley, 1734-1808
Lemuel Francis Abbott
Item ID:20054
Vice-Admiral Sir Andrew Mitchell, 1757-1806
Lemuel Francis Abbott
Item ID:20055
Captain Robert Calder
Lemuel Francis Abbott
Item ID:20056
Admiral Robert Roddam, 1719-1808
Lemuel Francis Abbott
Item ID:20057
Henry Laurens
Lemuel Francis Abbott
Item ID:20058
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Lemuel Francis Abbott (ca. 1760 - 5 December 1802) was an English portrait painter, famous for his likeness of Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson (currently hanging in the Terracotta Room of number 10 Downing Street) and for those of other naval officers and literary figures of the 18th century.

He was born Lemuel Abbott in Leicestershire in 1760 or 1761, the son of clergyman Lemuel Abbott, vicar of Thornton and his wife Mary. In 1775, at the age of 14, he became a pupil of Francis Hayman and lived in London, but returned to his parents after his teacher's death in 1776. There he continued to develop his artistic talents independently, but some authorities have suggested that he may also have studied with Joseph Wright of Derby.

In 1780, Abbott married Anna Maria, and again settled in London, residing for many years in Caroline Street in Bloomsbury. Although he exhibited at the Royal Academy, he never became an Academician. It is said that overwork, due to the commissions he took on, and domestic unhappiness led to his becoming insane. He was declared insane in 1798 and was treated by Dr Thomas Munro (1759-1833), the chief physician to Bethlem Hospital and a specialist in mental disorders - Munro also treated King George III (1738–1820).

Abbott died in London on 5 December 1802.

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