Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida

Spanish painter, 1863-1923
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Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida oil paintings
A Portrait Of Basil Mundy
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41897
A Rooftop with Flowers
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41898
Academia del natural
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41899
Al bano-Valencia
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41900
Alqueria Valenciana
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41901
Antes Del Bano
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41902
Arrival of the Boats
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41903
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41904
Bacante en reposo
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41905
Beach at Valencia aka Afternoon Sun
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41906
Beaching the Boat study
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41907
Cabeza de Italiana
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41908
Casa de Huerta Valencia study
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41909
Children on the Beach
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41910
Child's Siesta
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41911
Clotilde Sentada En El Sofa
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41912
Conde de Artal
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41913
Corner of the Garden Alcazar Sevilla
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41914
Cosiendo La Vela
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41915
Court of the Dances Alcazar Sevilla
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41916
El Bano Del Caballo
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41917
El Beso De La Reliquia
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41918
El Bote Blanco
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41919
El nino de la bola
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41920
El Palmeral
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41921
En La Yola
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41922
Encajonando Pasas
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41923
Escena Valenciana
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41924
Grupa valenciana
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41925
Hall of the Ambassadors Alhambra Granada
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41926
Jardines Del Alcazar
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41927
La Bata Rosa
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41928
La bendicion de Isaac
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41929
La Nina Curiosa
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41930
La Pesca Del Atun
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41931
La Virgen Maria
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41932
Las Dos Hermanas
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41933
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41934
Maria Con Sombrero
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41935
Maria En La Granja
Joaquin Sorolla Y Bastida
Item ID:41936
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Artist photo
Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida (February 27, 1863 - August 10, 1923) was a Spanish painter, born in Valencia, who excelled in the painting of portraits, landscapes, and monumental works of social and historical themes. His most typical works are characterized by a dexterous representation of the people and landscape under the sunlight of his native land.
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