Johann Carl Loth

German Baroque Era Painter, 1632-1698
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Johann Carl Loth oil paintings
Jupiter And Mercury At Philemon And Baucis
Johann Carl Loth
Item ID:42141
Mercury Piping To Argus
Johann Carl Loth
Item ID:42142
The Good Samaritane
Johann Carl Loth
Item ID:42143
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Johann Carl Loth (1632 - October 6, 1698) was a German painter, born in Munich but active most of his life in Venice. He is also called Johann Karl, Carlotto, and Carlo Lotti. He was the son and pupil of Johann Ulrich Loth (1590-1662). He was commissioned to paint for the emperor Leopold in Vienna. He was influenced by Pietro Liberi. His brother Franz Loth was also a painter in Venice and Germany. He had numerous pupils including Willem Drost, Cornelis de Bruijn, Johann Michael Rottmayr, Paul Strudel, Santo Prunati, Daniel Seiter, and Giovan Battista Langetti.
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