Ludwig Knaus
German, 1829-1910
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Ludwig Knaus oil paintings
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Ludwig Knaus (1829-1910) was a German genre painter of the younger Dusseldorf school. He was born at Wiesbaden and studied from 1845 to 1852 under Sohn and Schadow in Dusseldorf. His early works, like "The Gamblers," in the Dusseldorf Gallery, are in the manner of that school, being dark and heavy in color. This deficiency was remedied by study at Paris, whither he went in 1852 and enrolled as a pupil of Couture. In 1853 his "Morning after the Kermess" received the second gold Medal of the Salon and made him a celebrated painter. Except for a year's study in Italy he remained in Paris until 1860.New International Encyclopedia His chief works of this period include "The Golden Wedding," "The Baptism," and "The Promenade," purchased for the Luxembourg. From 1861 to 1866 he practiced at Berlin, producing such works as "Boys Playing Cards," "Looking for a Bride" (Wiesbaden Museum), and "His Highness on His Travels." The next eight years of his life saw the production of much of his best work, including "The Children's Festival" (Nation Gallery, Berlin), "In Great Distress," and "The Village Prince." From 1874 to 1883 he was professor at the Academy of Berlin, continuing to reside in that city until his death.
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Complete list of Ludwig Knaus's oil paintings
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- La Cour, Janus Andreas Bartholin 1837 - 1909
- La Hire, Laurent de French Baroque painter, 1606-1656
- La Tour, Maurice Quentin de French Rococo Era Painter, 1704-1788
- Ladell, Edward British, 1821-1886
- Lancret, Nicolas French painter, 1690 - 1743
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