Maurice Quentin De La Tour
French Rococo Era Painter, 1704-1788
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Maurice Quentin De La Tour oil paintings
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Maurice Quentin de La Tour (September 5, 1704 - February 17, 1788) was a French Rococo portraitist who worked primarily with pastels. Among his most famous subjects were Voltaire, Louis XV and Madame de Pompadour.
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Complete list of Maurice Quentin De La Tour's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Khnopff, Fernand Belgian, 1858-1921
- Licinio, Bernardino Italian, 1489 - 1565
- Knaus, Ludwig German, 1829-1910
- Kneller, Godfrey German-born English Baroque Era Painter, 1646-1723
- Knight, Louis Aston American, 1873-1948
- Koekkoek, Barend Cornelis Dutch, 1803-1862
- Kustodiev, Boris Russian Painter, 1878-1927
- Kuwasseg, Charles Euphrasie French, 1838-1904
- La Cour, Janus Andreas Bartholin 1837 - 1909
- La Hire, Laurent de French Baroque painter, 1606-1656
Next 10 Artists
- Ladell, Edward British, 1821-1886
- Lancret, Nicolas French painter, 1690 - 1743
- Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry English Painter, 1802-1873
- Adolf Schreyer German painter, 1828-1899
- Comerre, Leon Francois French, 1850-1916
- John Varley -Unknown
- Pasini, Alberto Italian, 1826-1899
- Pierre Outin French, 1840-1899
- Signorini, Giuseppe Italian, 1857-1932
- Simoni, Gustavo Italian, 1846-1926
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