Sir Edwin Henry Landseer

English Painter, 1802-1873
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Sir Edwin Henry Landseer oil paintings
Dignity and Impudence
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Item ID:43194
Scene in Braemar, Highland Deer
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Item ID:43195
Stag and Hound
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Item ID:43197
The Faithful Hound
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Item ID:43198
Isaac van Amburgh and his Animals
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Item ID:43199
Lion Drinking At A Stream
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Item ID:43200
Monarch Of The Glen
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Item ID:43201
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert at the Bal Costume
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Item ID:43202
Study Of A Dead Stag
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Item ID:43203
The Highland Nurses
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Item ID:43204
Wolf and Fox Hunt
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Item ID:43205
The Arab Tent
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Item ID:43206
Study Of A Chow
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Item ID:43207
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Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, RA (7 March 1802 - 1 October 1873) was an English painter, well known for his paintings of animals particularly horses, dogs and stags. The best known of Landseer's works, however, are sculptures: the lions in Trafalgar Square, London.
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