John William Godward
Total Paintings:96
John William Waterhouse
Total Paintings:94
John Wootton
Total Paintings:4
Joseph Mallord William Turner
Total Paintings:140
Joseph Wright Of Derby
Total Paintings:15
Jules Worms
Total Paintings:3
Julian Alden Weir
Total Paintings:31
Konrad Witz
Total Paintings:10
Levi Wells Prentice
Total Paintings:6
Peter De Wint
Philips Wouwerman
Total Paintings:13
RBA Wheelwright
Rogier Van Der Weyden
Total Paintings:80
Rudolphe Weisse
Sir William Russell Flint
Total Paintings:12
Snr William Shayer
Total Paintings:26
Terrick Williams
Thomas Waterman Wood
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Total Paintings:17
Walter Dendy Sadler
Walter Howell Deverell
Walter Hunt
Walter Langley
Total Paintings:11
Walter Launt Palmer
Total Paintings:16
Walter Ufer
Washington Allston
Total Paintings:2
Wassily Kandinsky
Total Paintings:97
Wenceslas Vacslav Brozik
Willard Leroy Metcalf
Total Paintings:20
Willem Adriaensz Key
Willem Claesz Heda
Willem Kalf
Willem Koekkoek
Willem Pietersz Buytewech
Total Paintings:5
Willem Roelofs
Willem Van Aelst
Willem Van De Velde The Younger
William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Total Paintings:231
William Aikman
Total Paintings:1
William Alexander