Rehearsal of the Pas de Loup Orchestra at the Cirque d'Hiver
by John Singer Sargent
Rehearsal on the Stage
by Edgar Degas
Rehearsing the Song
by Jacob Ochtervelt
Reine Goeneutte Washing the Young Jean Guerard
by Norbert Goeneutte
Reine Leaning over Margot's Shoulder
by Mary Cassatt
by Pino Daeni
Relaxing in the Garden, Argenteuil
by Claude Oscar Monet
religion oil painting
by Simone Martini
by Masaccio
religion oil painting II
religion oil painting III
religion oil painting IV
religion oil painting IX
religion oil painting V
religion oil painting VI
religion oil painting VII
religion oil painting VIII
religion oil painting X
religion oil painting XI
religion oil painting XII
religion oil painting XIII
religion oil painting XIV
religion oil painting XV
religion oil painting XVI
Rembrandt as Shepherd
by Govert Teunisz Flinck
Rembrandt Self-Portrait
by Rembrandt
Rembrandt's son Titus, as a monk
Rememberance of la Caru, Sunset
by Paul-Camille Guigou
Rendez-vous at the Meet
by Jean Richard Goubie