Passion of christ III
by Albrecht Altdorfer
Saint peter
by Theodor Aman
Michael the brave
Odalisque with pearls
Oriental music
Reading in the cismigiu garden
The worry
Tudor vladimirescu
Uniting of the principalities
Vase with flowers
A blind woman in her room
by Anna Ancher
Self portrait
by Ion Andreescu
Self portrait II
by Charles Angrand
Infantin isabella clara eugenia
by Sofonisba Anguissola
Portrait of a young woman in profile
Portrait of caterina micaela of spain
Portrait of juana of austria with a young girl
Portrait of minerva anguissola
Portrait of Philipp II of Spain
Self portrait at the easel
Salvator Mundi
by Leonardo Da Vinci
Bildnis eines blonden madchens
by Albert Anker
Bildnis eines knaben (walter stucki)
Bildnis therese von Wyttenbach-von fischer
Der seifenblaser
Die kartenlgerin
Die sohne chretien, paris
Huftbild eines madchens (marie anker)
Knitting bernese woman with child
Old man taking a rest
Portrait of a girl
Portrait of a girl II
Still life, excess
The absinth drinker
The village tailor