A couple at a guesthouse
by Hans Von Aachen
Bacchus venus and cupid
David and Bathsheba
Matchmaking scene
Matthias holy roman emperor, as king of bohemia
Pan and selene
Portrait of a girl
Portrait of a man
Portrait of Anna of Austria
Portrait of jacopo biliverti
Portrait of joseph heintz
Portrait of rudolf ii holy roman emperor
Self portrait
The judgment of paris
The rape of proserpine
The three graces
Two laughing men
Venus cupid and a satyr
Virgin and child
Femme assise sur un rocher
by Louise Abbema
Femme au parapluie
La Musique
Matin d'avril
Portrait de femme en manteau avec un parapluie
Portrait de Mlle Samary
Portrait of lady
The de I'apres midi
Seated Madonna with Graduation of the Garcia Brothers
by Marcos Zapata
Our lady of sorrows
Head of a woman
by Eugeniusz Zak
Portrait of a young woman in a hat (Jadwiga Zak)
Woman with a rabbit
Anne hutchinson on trial
by Edwin Austin Abbey
La penitence d'eleanor duchesse de glouster
Unknown title
Who is sylvia
Composition II
by Jankel Adler
Hommage a naum gabo (homage to naum gabo)
Woman with hat
Composition with figure
by Gosta Adrian-Nilsson