Amold Bocklin
Swiss, 1827-1901
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Amold Bocklin oil paintings
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Arnold Bocklin (16 October 1827 - 16 January 1901) was a Swiss symbolist painter.
He was born at Basel. His father, Christian Frederick Böcklin (b. 1802), was descended from an old family of Schaffhausen, and engaged in the silk trade. His mother, Ursula Lippe, was a native of the same city. Arnold studied at the Düsseldorf academy under Schirmer, and became a friend of Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach. He is associated with the Düsseldorf school of painting. Schirmer, who recognized in him a student of exceptional promise, sent him to Antwerp and Brussels, where he copied the works of Flemish and Dutch masters. Böcklin then went to Paris, worked at the Louvre, and painted several landscapes.
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Complete list of Amold Bocklin's oil paintings
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- Bosch, Hieronymus Dutch, 1450-1516
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- Bouguereau, William-Adolphe French, 1825-1905
- Bouts, Dieric Netherlandish painter, 1420-1475
- Bronzino, Agnolo Italian, 1503-1572
- Bruegel, Pieter the Elder Flemish Renaissance painter, 1525-1569
- Brueghel, Jan the Elder Flemish, 1568-1625
- Buoninsegna, Duccio di Italian, 1255-1318
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