Francois Boucher

French, 1703-1770
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Francois Boucher oil paintings
Pygmalion and Galatea
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21065
The Marquise de Pompadour
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21066
The Triumph of Venus, detail
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21067
Leda and the Swan
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21068
Diana's Return from the Hunt
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21069
The Interrupted Sleep
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21070
The Toilet of Venus
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21071
Returning from Market
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21072
La Toilette
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21073
Diana Leaving her Bath
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21074
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21075
Autumn, detail
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21076
The Visit of Venus to Vulcan
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21077
Christ and John the Baptist as Children
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21078
Pastorale, detail
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21079
Naiads and Triton
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21080
Venus Consoling Love
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21081
Nude on a Sofa (Reclining Girl)
Francois Boucher
Item ID:21082
A Summer Pastoral
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50628
Adoration of the Shepherds
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50629
An Autumn Pastoral
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50630
Are They Thinking About the Grape
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50632
Brown Odalisk
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50633
Diana after the Hunt
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50634
Diana Resting after her Bath
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50635
Girl Reclining
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50636
Madame de Pompadour
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50637
Marquise de Pompadour at the Toilet-Table
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50638
Painter in his Studio
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50639
Portrait of Marquise de Pompadour
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50640
Resting Girl
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50641
Rinaldo and Armida
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50642
Shepherd and Shepherdess Reposing
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50643
The Afternoon Meal
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50644
The Birth of Venus
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50645
The Forest
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50646
The Milliner, The Morning
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50647
The Rape of Europa
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50648
The Rising of the Sun
Francois Boucher
Item ID:50649
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Artist photo

Francois Boucher (29 September 1703 - 30 May 1770) was a French painter, a proponent of Rococo taste, known for his idyllic and voluptuous paintings on classical themes, decorative allegories representing the arts or pastoral occupations, intended as a sort of two-dimensional furniture. He was perhaps the most celebrated decorative artist of the 18th century. He also painted several portraits of his illustrious patroness, Madame de Pompadour.

He was born in Paris, the son of a lace designer Nicolas Boucher, who gave him his first artistic training. A painting Boucher exhibited at the age of 17 was admired by the painter François Lemoyne, whose apprentice Boucher became, but after only three months he went to work for the engraver Jean-François Cars. In 1723, Boucher won the elite Grand Prix de Rome, although he did not take up the consequential opportunity to study in Italy until five years later, due to financial problems at the Academie Royale. On his return from studying in Italy in 1731, he was admitted to the Académie de peinture et de sculpture as a historical painter, and became a faculty member in 1734.

His career accelerated from this point, as he advanced from professor to Rector of the Academy, becoming head of the Royal Gobelins Manufactory in 1755 and finally Premier Peintre du Roi (First Painter of the King) in 1765.

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