
Italian, 1697-1768
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Canaletto oil paintings
Riva degli Schiavoni, Looking East
Item ID:21271
Warwick Castle, The East Front
Item ID:21275
Alnwick Castle at Northumberland
Item ID:21276
The Stonemason's Yard
Item ID:21280
San Giacomo di Rialto
Item ID:21284
The Piazzetta, Looking South
Item ID:21286
Piazza San Marco, Looking North
Item ID:21287
Doge Palace
Item ID:51404
Dolo on the Brenta
Item ID:51405
Eton College Chapel
Item ID:51406
Il Ponte di Rialto
Item ID:51407
London, Northumberland House
Item ID:51409
London, Westminster Abbey
Item ID:51413
Old Walton Bridge
Item ID:51415
Regatta on the Grand Canal
Item ID:51417
Riva degli Schiavon, west side
Item ID:51418
Rome, Ruins of the Forum
Item ID:51419
Rome, The Arch of Constantine
Item ID:51420
Rome, The Arch of Titus
Item ID:51422
The Campo di Rialto
Item ID:51423
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Giovanni Antonio Canal (17 or 18 October 1697 - 19 April 1768) better known as Canaletto was an Italian painter of landscapes, or vedute, of Venice. He was also an important printmaker in etching.

He was born in Venice as the son of the painter Bernardo Canal, hence his mononym Canaletto ("little Canal"), and Artemisia Barbieri. Bernardo Bellotto was his nephew and pupil. Canaletto served his apprenticeship with his father and his brother. He began in his father's occupation, that of a theatrical scene painter. Canaletto was inspired by the Roman vedutista Giovanni Paolo Pannini, and started painting the daily life of the city and its people.

After returning from Rome in 1719, he began painting in his topographical style. His first known signed and dated work is Architectural Capriccio (1723, Milan, in a private collection). Studying with the older Luca Carlevarijs, a moderately-talented painter of urban cityscapes, he rapidly became his master's equal.

In 1725, the painter Alessandro Marchesini, who was also the buyer for the Lucchese art collector Stefano Conti had inquired about buying two more 'views of Venice', when the agent informed him to consider instead the work of "Antonio Canale... it is like Carlevaris, but you can see the sun shining in it."

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