Pieter The Elder Bruegel

Flemish Renaissance painter, 1525-1569
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Pieter The Elder Bruegel oil paintings
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21181
The Adoration of the Kings
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21182
Hunters in the Snow
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21183
Gloomy Day
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21184
Landscape with the Flight into Egypt
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21185
The Conversion of Saul
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21186
The Adoration of the Kings in the Snow
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21187
The Adoration of the Kings II
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21188
The Magpie on the Gallows
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21189
The Census at Bethlehem
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21190
The Fall of the Rebel Angels, detail
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21191
The Beggars
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21192
The Fall of the Rebel Angels
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21193
The Land of Cockayne
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21194
The Temptation of Saint Anthony
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21195
Hunters in the Snow II
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21196
The Parable of the Blind Leading the Blind
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21197
Peasant Wedding
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21198
The Procession to Calvary
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21199
The Triumph of Death
Pieter The Elder Bruegel
Item ID:21200
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Pieter the Elder Bruegel or Pieter il Giovane Bruegel or Pieter Bruegel (Brueghel) the Elder (Flemish, c. 1525 - 9 September 1569) was a Flemish Renaissance painter and printmaker known for his landscapes and peasant scenes (so called genre painting). He is sometimes referred to as the "Peasant Bruegel." From 1559 he dropped the 'h' from his name and signed his paintings as Bruegel.

According to some sources he was born in Breugel near the (now Dutch) town of Breda. There are however also records that show that he was born in Breda, and there is some uncertainty whether the (now Belgian) town of Bree, called Breda in Latin, is meant. He was an apprentice of Pieter Coecke van Aelst, whose daughter Mayken he later married. He spent some time in France and Italy, and then went to Antwerp, where in 1551 he was accepted as a master in the painter's guild. He traveled to Italy soon after, and then returned to Antwerp before settling in Brussels permanently 10 years later.

He received the nickname 'Peasant Bruegel' or 'Bruegel the Peasant' for his alleged practice of dressing up like a peasant in order to mingle at weddings and other celebrations, thereby gaining inspiration and authentic details for his genre paintings. He died in Brussels on 9 September 1569 and was buried in the Kapellekerk.

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