
Italian, approx. 1455-1526
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Carpaccio oil paintings
The Flight into Egypt
Item ID:21326
The Baptism of the Selenites
Item ID:21327
Holy Family with Two Donors
Item ID:21328
Holy Conversation
Item ID:21329
Madonna and Blessing Child
Item ID:21331
Presentation in the Temple
Item ID:21333
Portrait of a Knight
Item ID:21334
The Stoning of Saint Stephen
Item ID:21335
The Lion of St. Mark
Item ID:21336
The Dream of St. Ursula
Item ID:21337
St. George and the Dragon
Item ID:21338
The Apotheosis of St. Ursula
Item ID:21340
The Pilgrims Meet the Pope
Item ID:21341
The Ambassadors Depart
Item ID:21342
Meditation on Christ's Passion
Item ID:21343
Two Venetian Ladies
Item ID:21344
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Vittore Carpaccio (c. 1465 - 1525/1526) was an Italian painter of the Venetian school, who studied under Gentile Bellini. He is best known for a cycle of nine paintings, The Legend of Saint Ursula. His style was somewhat conservative, showing little influence from the Humanist trends that transformed Italian Renaissance painting during his lifetime. He was influenced by the style of Antonello da Messina and Early Netherlandish art. For this reason, and also because so much of his best work remains in Venice, his art has been rather neglected by comparison with other Venetian contemporaries, such as Giovanni Bellini or Giorgione.

Carpaccio was born in Venice or in Capodistria in Istria (then part of Venice, now Koper in Slovenia), the son of Piero Scarpazza, a leather merchant. The family background was Istrian, which may explain his special association with the Dalmatian School in Venice. However, few details of his life are known. His principal works were executed between 1490 and 1519, ranking him among the early masters of the Venetian Renaissance. He is first mentioned in 1472 in a will of his uncle Fra Ilario. Upon entering the Humanist circles of Venice, he changed his family name to Carpaccio. He was a pupil (not, as sometimes thought, the master) of Lazzaro Bastiani, who, like the Bellini and Vivarini, was the head of a large atelier in Venice.

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