Theodoor Aenvanck
Belgian, 1633-1690
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Theodoor Aenvanck oil paintings
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Theodoor Aenvanck (1633 - 1690), was a Flemish Baroque painter.
He was born in Antwerp, and according to the RKD he was a pupil of the still life painter Jan Davidszoon de Heem. He became a member of the Antwerp Guild of St. Luke in 1647, and in 1669 he became master. He is known for flower paintings. He died in Antwerp.
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Complete list of Theodoor Aenvanck's oil paintings
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- Agache, Alfred-Pierre France, 1843-1915
- Agasse, Jacques-Laurent Switzerland animal and landscape painter, 1767-1849
- Agrasot, Juan Joaquin Spain, 1836-1919
- Agricola, Fillippo Italy, 1776-1857
- Aguado-Bejarano, Manuel Cabral Spain, 1827-1891
- Ahrendts, Carl Eduard Holland, 1822-1898
- Aikman, William Scottish portrait-painter, 1682-1731
- Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovich Russia, 1817-1900
- Akkeringa, Johannes Evert Dutch, 1861-1942
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