Alfred-Pierre Agache

France, 1843-1915
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Alfred-Pierre Agache oil paintings
The Sword
Alfred-Pierre Agache
Item ID:21502
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Alfred-Pierre Joseph Agache (29 August 1843 - 15 September 1915), also known simply as Alfred Agache, was a French academic painter.

Little is known of Agache. He was born in Lille, France, and exhibited his work frequently in Paris until his death. He seems to have specialized in portraits and large-scale allegorical paintings. He was a member of the Societe des Artistes Français, and won a third-class medal in 1885 for his work. He may have been friends with American painter James Abbott McNeill Whistler and French writer Auguste Angellier; the latter dedicated a book to him around 1893.

Two of his pieces, "Vanity" and "The Annunciation", were shown at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, 1893. He was awarded the Legion d'honneur.

He died in Lille in 1915.

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