Sebastien Stoskopff
Alsatian painter, 1597-1657
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Sebastien Stoskopff oil paintings
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Sebastian (or Sebastien) Stoskopff (July 13, 1597 - February 10, 1657) was an Alsatian painter. He is considered one of the most important German still life painters of his time. His works, which were rediscovered after 1930, portray goblets, cups and especially glasses. The reduction to a few objects, which is characteristic of early still life painting, can again be recognized in Stoskopff's painting. His chief works hang in Strasbourg and in Saarbrucken.
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Complete list of Sebastien Stoskopff's oil paintings
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- Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato Italian Baroque painter, 1609-1685
- Schedoni, Bartolomeo Italian, 1578-1615
- Scheffer, Ary Dutch-born French Academic Painter, 1795-1858
- Schelfhout, Andreas Dutch Painter, 1787-1870
- Schooten, Floris Gerritsz van Dutch, born circa 1585-1655
- Schryver, Louis Marie de French, 1862-1942
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- Serusier, Paul French painter, 1864-1927
- Seymour Joseph Guy American, 1824-1910
- Silva, Francis A American Hudson River School Painter, 1835-1886
- Sir George Clausen English artist, 1852-1944
- Sir Henry Raeburn Scottish portrait painter, 1756-1823
- Sir Hubert von Herkomer British painter, 1849-1914
- Sir Peter Lely Dutch painter, 1618-1680
- Smith, Carlton Alfred British, 1853-1946
- Solari, Andrea Italian Renaissance painter, 1460-1524
- Solomon, Abraham English Painter, 1824-1862
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