Sir George Clausen
English artist, 1852-1944
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Sir George Clausen oil paintings
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Sir George Clausen RA (18 April 1852 - 1944), was an English artist working in oil and watercolour, etching, mezzotint, dry point and occasionally lithographs.
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Complete list of Sir George Clausen's oil paintings
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- Schelfhout, Andreas Dutch Painter, 1787-1870
- Schooten, Floris Gerritsz van Dutch, born circa 1585-1655
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- Serusier, Paul French painter, 1864-1927
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- Silva, Francis A American Hudson River School Painter, 1835-1886
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- Smith, Carlton Alfred British, 1853-1946
- Solari, Andrea Italian Renaissance painter, 1460-1524
- Solomon, Abraham English Painter, 1824-1862
- Soulacroix, Frederic Italian Academic Painter, 1858-1933
- Spencelayh, Charles English genre painter, 1865-1958
- Springer, Cornelis Dutch Painter, 1817-1891
- Stanley Spencer English painter, 1891-1959
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