Sir Henry Raeburn

Scottish portrait painter, 1756-1823
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Sir Henry Raeburn oil paintings
Captain Patrick Miller
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47940
Colonel Francis James Scott
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47941
David Anderson
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47942
Jacobina Copland
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47943
John Tait and His Grandson
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47945
Lady Anne Torphicen
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47946
Miss Eleanor Urquhart
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47947
Mrs Colin Campbell of Park
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47948
Portrait of Mrs Andrew
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47950
Portrait of Sir John Sinclair
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47951
Portrait Of The Rev Wiilaim Paul
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47952
The Archers
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47953
The Binning Children
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47954
The First Viscount Melville
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47955
The Reverend Robert Walker Skating
Sir Henry Raeburn
Item ID:47956
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Sir Henry Raeburn (4 March 1756 - 8 July 1823) was a Scottish portrait painter, the first significant Scottish portraitist since the Act of Union 1707 to remain based in Scotland.
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