Carle Van Loo
French subject painter, 1705-1765
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Carle Van Loo oil paintings
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Carle or Charles-Andre van Loo (15 February 1705 - 15 July 1765) was a French subject painter, and a younger brother of Jean-Baptiste van Loo and grandson of Jacob van Loo. He was the most famous member of a successful dynasty of painters of Dutch origin. His oeuvre includes every category: religion, history, mythology, portraiture, allegory, and genre scenes.
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Complete list of Carle Van Loo's oil paintings
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- James E Buttersworth English painter, 1817-1894
- Buytewech, Willem Pietersz Dutch painter, 1591/92 - 1625
- Cagnacci, Guido Italian painter, 1601 - 1663
- Campi, Vincenzo Italian painter, 1536 - 1591
- Canon Hans Austria Painter, 1829 - 1885
- Carl Schweninger, Jr German landscape painter, 1854-1903
- Carl Spitzweg German romanticist painter and poet, 1808-1885
Next 10 Artists
- Carlo Dolci Italian painter, 1616 - 1686
- Carlos Fernandez Iglesia -Unknown
- Carolus-Duran French painter, 1837-1917
- Caroto, Giovanni Francesco Italian painter, 1480 - 1558
- Carriera, Rosalba Italian painter, 1675 - 1757
- Castello, Valerio Italian painter, 1624-1659
- Charles Amable Lenoir French painter, 1860-1926
- Charles Courtney Curran American painter, 1861-1942
- Charles Emile Hippolyte Lecomte Vernet French painter, 1821-1900
- Charles Euphrasie Kuwasseg, Jr French painter, 1838-1904
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