Valerio Castello
Italian painter, 1624-1659
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Valerio Castello oil paintings
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Valerio Castello (1624 - October 1659) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. He was very active during his short life in Genoa. He was the youngest son of Bernardo Castello, who died when Valerio was six year old. Valerio and his brothers were attached to the noble family of Torquato, and while he had been intended to study a literate profession, he showed an affinity to drawing. This was noted by his patrons, who arranged his apprenticeship with Domenico Fiasella. He arranged to travel to Milan with Agostino Merano, the sibling of Giovanni Battista Merano, where he admired the work of Camillo Proccacini. From there, he traveled to Parma. He excelled in painting battle-scenes. He was also quite prolific within Genoa during his short life. He painted the Rape of the Sabines, now in the Palazzo Brignole, Genoa, and decorated the cupola of the Basilica della Santissima Annunziata del Vastato in the same city. For the house of Francesco Maria Balbi, he collaborated with the quadraturista from Bologna, Andrea Sghizzi to fresco the palace. In his works he is regarded by his admirers as combining the fire of Tintoretto with the general style of Paolo Veronese. Castello influenced the work of young Domenico Piola. Among his pupils were Bartolomeo Biscaino, Giovanni Paolo Cervetto, and Stefano Magnasco.
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Complete list of Valerio Castello's oil paintings
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