Charles West Cope
English, 1811-1890
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Charles West Cope oil paintings
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Charles West Cope (July 28, 1811 - August 21, 1890) was an English Victorian era painter of genre and history scenes, and an etcher. He was responsible for painting several frescos in the House of Lords in London.
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Complete list of Charles West Cope's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Caroto, Giovanni Francesco Italian painter, 1480 - 1558
- Carriera, Rosalba Italian painter, 1675 - 1757
- Castello, Valerio Italian painter, 1624-1659
- Charles Amable Lenoir French painter, 1860-1926
- Charles Courtney Curran American painter, 1861-1942
- Charles Emile Hippolyte Lecomte Vernet French painter, 1821-1900
- Charles Euphrasie Kuwasseg, Jr French painter, 1838-1904
- Charles Goldie New Zealand artist, 1870-1947
- Charles Marion Russell American artist, 1864-1926
- Charles Sillem Lidderdale English painter, 1831-1895
Next 10 Artists
- Charles Zacharie Landelle French painter, 1812-1908
- Charles Emile Jacque French painter of animals, 1813-1894
- Theobald Chartran French propaganda painter, 1849 - 1907
- Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg Danish painter, 1783-1853
- Frederic Edwin Church American landscape painter, 1826-1900
- Cigoli Italian painter, 1559-1613
- Claude Joseph Bail French painter, 1862-1921
- Claudio Coello Spanish Baroque painter, 1642-1693
- Emile Claus Belgian painter, 1849-1924
- Jean Clouet France artist, 1480-1541
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