Charles Courtney Curran
American painter, 1861-1942
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Charles Courtney Curran oil paintings
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Charles Courtney Curran (1861-1942) was an American painter. He is best known for his canvases depicting beautiful women in pleasant settings. Curran was born in Hartford, Kentucky in 1861 and moved to Sandusky, Ohio in 1881. He studied one year at the Cincinnati School of Design, and began a brilliant career after moving to New York City in 1882 where he enrolled in the National Academy of Design. He went on to study at the Academie Julian in Paris and was a student of Benjamin Constant, Jules-Joseph Lefebvre and Henri Lucien Doucet. Curran himself would become a teacher at the Pratt Institute, New York City, the Cooper Union and the National Academy.
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Complete list of Charles Courtney Curran's oil paintings
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