Charles Amable Lenoir

French painter, 1860-1926
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Charles Amable Lenoir oil paintings
A Dance By The Sea
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51663
A Nymph In The Forest
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51664
Azalees Etude
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51665
Eugenie Lucchesi
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51666
La Bergere
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51667
La Baigneuse
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51668
La Mandoline
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51669
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51670
Paysage pres de sa maison de Fouras
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51671
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51672
Portrait of a young girl with cherries
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51673
Reve d'Orient
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51674
The Cherrypicker
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51675
The Pink Rose
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51676
The Seamtress
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51677
The Spinner By The Sea
Charles Amable Lenoir
Item ID:51678
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Artist photo
Charles-Amable Lenoir (22 October 1860 - 1926) was a French painter. Like his mentor, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, he was an academic painter and painted realistic portraits as well as mythological and religious scenes. His artistic career was so prestigious that he won the Prix de Rome twice and was awarded the Legion d'honneur. Lenoir was born in Chatellaillon, a small town just outside of La Rochelle. His mother was a seamstress and his father was a customs officer. When he was young, his father was reassigned and the family moved to Fouras. He did not start out in life as an artist, but instead began his education at a teachers' college in La Rochelle. Upon graduation, he worked as a teacher and supervisor at the lycee in Rochefort.
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