Religion Oil Paintings

Total:994, Page 4 of 25
Caravaggio : Medusa
Subject: Religion ID:21319
Carpaccio : The Flight into Egypt
Subject: Religion ID:21326
Carpaccio : The Baptism of the Selenites
Subject: Religion ID:21327
Carpaccio : Holy Family with Two Donors
Subject: Religion ID:21328
Carpaccio : Holy Conversation
Subject: Religion ID:21329
Carpaccio : Madonna and Blessing Child
Subject: Religion ID:21331
Carpaccio : Presentation in the Temple
Subject: Religion ID:21333
Carpaccio : The Lion of St. Mark
Subject: Religion ID:21336
Carpaccio : St. George and the Dragon
Subject: Religion ID:21338
Carpaccio : The Apotheosis of St. Ursula
Subject: Religion ID:21340
Carpaccio : The Pilgrims Meet the Pope
Subject: Religion ID:21341
Carpaccio : Meditation on Christ's Passion
Subject: Religion ID:21343
Annibale Carracci : Domine Quo Vadis
Subject: Religion ID:21347
Annibale Carracci : The Dead Christ Mourned,
Subject: Religion ID:21349
Pieter Aertsen : Apostles Peter and John
Subject: Religion ID:21494
Francesco Albani : Assumption Of The Virgin
Subject: Religion ID:21563
Francesco Albani : The Annunciation
Subject: Religion ID:21564
Guariento Di Arpo : Graphic Archangel
Subject: Religion ID:21659
Guariento Di Arpo : Graphic Angel
Subject: Religion ID:21660
Guariento Di Arpo : Graphic Angel II
Subject: Religion ID:21661
Guariento Di Arpo : Graphic Angel III
Subject: Religion ID:21662
Federico Barocci : Graphic The Nativity
Subject: Religion ID:21686
Jacopo Bassano : Graphic Altarpiece
Subject: Religion ID:21694
William-Adolphe Bouguereau : Compassion
Subject: Religion ID:21800
Total:994, Page 4 of 25